
Lytro Illum User Interface

The Lytro ILLUM was created for photographers who are interested in exploring the new horizon of light field photography. The ILLUM offers photographers a range of controls over the depth in a scene.
Capturing this fundamentally new data gives shooters unprecedented capabilities; including the ability to focus, change the perspective, change the aperture, and view in 3D–all after a picture is taken. 

Innovative design features include: the Depth Assist Bar, Spot Depth Feedback, Depth Histogram and Overlay in capture,  and an on-device interactive Depth Preview in playback.



Creative Direction
User Testing
Interaction Design

Visual Design
Motion Design

Project Highlights

Thumb reach testing

Thumb reach testing

Thumb reach testing results

Thumb reach testing results

Wireframe review

Wireframe review

Depth assist bar design iterations

Depth assist bar design iterations

Feature sketches

Feature sketches

Early prototyping

Early prototyping